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Important Changes to your Retirement Savings Plan Account

Take the Emotion Out of Investing
You become a participant in the Retirement Savings Plan on the first date your employer makes contributions to this Plan or on the date you are eligible to make voluntary contributions.
Retirement Savings Plan Overview
- You have your own account.
- Each payroll period, contributions are deposited to your account if negotiated by your employer and by your voluntary direction on a pre-tax and/or an after-tax basis.
- Your pre-tax contributions and total contributions are subject to separate annual dollar limits under federal law.
- You are always 100% vested in all contributions made to the Plan.
- You can choose how to invest monies in your account.
- Your account is available at termination of your employment, retirement or disability and your own pre-tax and after-tax savings are available for withdrawal in certain circumstances during your working life.
- If you die before you retire, your spouse or beneficiary will be paid your account balance.
- Benefits are paid according to the payment option you choose when you retire.
- If you work outside of Alaska, you may be able to send your contributions back to the Retirement Savings Plan by taking advantage of reciprocity.
How to Login to Your John Hancock Account
If you have an account in the Retirement Savings Plan, you can access your account information by creating a login and password on the John Hancock website. Download the John Hancock Getting Started Guide to help you set up your account.
In addition to reviewing your account details, you get access to a learning center, financial planning tools and other resources.
Visit and click Register Now to set up your account for the first time.
If you have trouble logging in, you can contact a John Hancock service representative at (833) 388-6466 Mon – Fri, 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM ET.
Types of Contributions
Three sources of contributions are possible under this Plan: employer contributions, employee voluntary pre-tax (401(k)) or after-tax contributions, and rollover contributions.
The terms of the collective bargaining agreement or special agreement you are working under govern the terms of your participation in the Plan and the types of contributions you can make.
Voluntary Contributions
If eligible, you may make voluntary contributions to the Retirement Savings Plan (RSP). The Plan offers the opportunity to make pre-tax (401(k)) and after-tax voluntary contributions.
Before electing to make voluntary contributions, confirm you are working under a collective bargaining agreement or special agreement that allows voluntary contributions, and what type of contributions you are eligible to make.
To make voluntary contributions, you must notify your employer in writing by completing the Voluntary Contributions Election Form and giving it to your employer.
Initiating a Distribution
Different rules apply to distributions of employer contributions, voluntary pre-tax contributions and voluntary after-tax contributions.
See the Retirement Savings Plan Summary Plan Description (RSP-SPD) for details on the payment of benefits and eligibility requirements for a distribution.
Login to Participant EDGE to download a Distribution Form or contact the Administrative Office at (907) 276-1246 or toll-free at 1-(800) 478-1246 or by email to request a Distribution Form be sent to you.
Note: when you submit the distribution request, you must also supply proof of your age and proof of marital status.
The Trustees require specific original documents or certified copies to substantiate birth date, marital status and other information as a condition of benefit payment. You must provide proof of your birth date as a condition of benefit payment. Acceptable original or certified documents for proof of birth date are as follows:
- Original or Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate issued by a government entity. We cannot accept decorative/hospital certificates.
In lieu of a birth certificate you may submit any 2 of the following original documents:
- Passport or Expired Passport
- Naturalization papers
- U.S. Census Report that is at least 10 years old
- Life insurance policies that are at least 10 years old
- Notarized copy of US state-issued ID or driver’s license
- Recorded marriage certificate issued by a government entity (if Birth Date is on the Certificate)
- Early school records
- Affidavit of birth issued by a government entity
- Social Security Statement (Social Security Card is not acceptable)
- U.S. Armed Forces release (DD-214)
We will make copies of your documents, note that we have seen the original, and return your originals to you for your records. You must provide proof of your marital status as a condition of benefit payment. Photocopies of the acceptable original or certified documents are as follows:
- Most recent recorded marriage certificate issued by a government entity
- Complete divorce decrees, including Petition for Divorce/Dissolution, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Property Settlement Agreement, and Final Decree.
If a portion of your benefit is payable to an alternate payee, you must provide a certified Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) as a condition of benefit payment.
Retirement Savings Reciprocity
Whether you work inside or outside of Alaska, you may be able to send your contributions back to the Alaska Electrical Retirement Savings Plan by taking advantage of reciprocity.
See the Retirement Savings Plan Summary Plan Description (RSP-SPD) for details. For steps on how to initiate reciprocity and sign up for the Electronic Reciprocal Transfer System (ERTS), visit the Reciprocity page.
Forms & Documents
Find forms and documents in one convenient document library. Visit the Forms & Documents page to find forms, notices, and up-to-date documents regarding your benefits.
Eligibility, benefit, or other questions?
Call (907) 276-1246 or email the Admin Office.