Looking for information about medical coverage for retirees? Visit the Retiree HRA Plan page under Health & Welfare section of the website.

Annual Retiree Signature Certification

Each January we ask every retiree to sign a Retiree Signature Certification Form. The form must be signed by the retiree and notarized by a Notary Public or an authorized Plan Representative, and returned to the Administrative Office.

The purpose of this form is to prevent fraudulent pension payments by verifying that you are receiving your benefit, and make sure that your information is current.  

If you do not return the form, your monthly payments may be suspended. If you have further questions, please call the Administrative Office at (907) 276-1246 or email us.

Designating or Changing Beneficiaries

Your beneficiary designation should be kept up to date to be certain that death benefits will be paid in accordance with your wishes. If you wish to make any changes, please complete a new Pension Enrollment/Beneficiary Form. If you are married, your spouse is automatically the beneficiary and would have to formally consent to your election of another beneficiary.

Pension Payments

Pension checks are credited to your bank account by direct deposit (or mailed if you do not provide your banking information) on the first day of the month, or the last business day of the previous month if the first is a holiday or weekend.

Sign Up for Direct Deposit

Direct deposit has many advantages: it’s timely, convenient, trackable, and more reliable than the mail system. We strongly encourage you to sign up for direct deposit of your pension check. To do so complete the Direct Deposit form and attach a voided check.

2025 Payment Schedule

January: 12-31-24
February: 01-31-25
March: 02-28-25
April: 04-01-25
May: 05-01-25
June: 05-30-25
July: 07-01-25
August: 08-01-25
September: 08-29-25
October: 10-01-25
November: 10-31-25
December: 12-01-25

Note: When you initially retire, there is usually a one month waiting period before you receive your first check. The first check will include the monthly pension payment for the first month and the current month.

Replacing a Lost Pension Check

If you do not receive your check as anticipated, please call (907) 276-1246 or email the Administrative Office for a replacement check. 

If you are experiencing problems with your mail, you might consider signing up for Direct Deposit to ensure you receive your check on time.

Retirement Savings Plan Distributions

Different rules apply to distributions of employer contributions, voluntary pre-tax contributions and voluntary after-tax contributions. 

See the Retirement Savings Plan Summary Plan Description (RSP-SPD) for details on the payment of benefits and eligibility requirements for a distribution.

Login to Participant EDGE to download a Distribution Form or contact the Administrative Office at (907) 276-1246 or by email to request a Distribution Form be sent to you. 

Note: when you submit the distribution request, you must also supply proof of your age and proof of marital status.

The Trustees require specific original documents or certified copies to substantiate birth date, marital status and other information as a condition of benefit payment. You must provide proof of your birth date as a condition of benefit payment. Acceptable original or certified documents for proof of birth date are as follows:

  • Original or Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate issued by a government entity. We cannot accept decorative/hospital certificates.

In lieu of a birth certificate you may submit any 2 of the following original documents:

  • Passport or Expired Passport
  • Naturalization papers
  • U.S. Census Report that is at least 10 years old
  • Life insurance policies that are at least 10 years old
  • Notarized copy of US state-issued ID or driver’s license
  • Recorded marriage certificate issued by a government entity (if Birth Date is on the Certificate)
  • Early school records
  • Affidavit of birth issued by a government entity
  • Social Security Statement (Social Security Card is not acceptable)
  • U.S. Armed Forces release (DD-214)

We will make copies of your documents, note that we have seen the original, and return your originals to you for your records. You must provide proof of your marital status as a condition of benefit payment. Photocopies of the acceptable original or certified documents are as follows:

  • Most recent recorded marriage certificate issued by a government entity
  • Complete divorce decrees, including Petition for Divorce/Dissolution, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Property Settlement Agreement, and Final Decree.

If a portion of your benefit is payable to an alternate payee, you must provide a certified Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) as a condition of benefit payment.

Working After Retirement

If you are employed after your retirement in the state of Alaska, you must notify the Administrative Office by phone (907) 276-1246 or email, preferably in advance.  See the Pension Plan Summary Plan Description (Pension-SPD) for details on reemployment after retirement.

Note: If you return to work and do not notify the Administrative Office, it is presumed you are working more than 40 hours a month in “post-retirement service” and your pension payments will be suspended while you are employed.

Reporting Deaths

It’s important to notify the Administrative Office at (907) 276-1246 or by email as soon as practical after the death of a retiree, spouse, or beneficiary. The Administration Office will provide instructions on how to proceed and what documentation is required.

Forms & Documents

Find forms and documents in one convenient document library. Visit the Forms & Documents page to find forms, notices, and up-to-date documents regarding your benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers to the most frequently asked retirement questions on the FAQ page. If you have further questions, please call the Administrative Office at (907) 276-1246 or email us.


Visit the About the Trusts page to see a current list of Trustees.

Retiree HRA Plan

Visit the Retiree HRA Plan page under Health & Welfare for information on the support the Fund provides retirees in securing medical coverage.

Eligibility, benefit, or other questions?

Call (907) 276-1246 or email the Admin Office.