Protect Your Vision with Regular Eye Exams
You might think you don’t need eye exams if you don’t wear glasses or contact lenses. But if you have diabetes or other chronic conditions, are over age 65, or have a family history of eye problems, your risk for vision loss is higher.
Regular eye exams help keep your vision strong because they can:
- Find eye diseases early. Many common eye problems go unnoticed for a long time. Routine exams detect eye diseases in the early stages, when treatment to prevent vision loss is most effective.
- Detect other health issues. Your eye doctor can look behind your eyes and check for signs of health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and much more.
Correct your vision. Many of us think our eyesight is just fine without realizing we may need glasses or contact lenses. In fact, about 11 million people in the U.S. over age 12 need vision correction.
Your Vision Plan covers an annual vision exam for all enrolled family members. For the best coverage, choose a VSP provider. To learn more, go to aetf.com, and click on Vision under Health & Welfare.