Be Your Healthiest
A Primary Care Provider Can Help
Choosing one person as your go-to provider can change your health-and your life. When you select a Primary Care Provider, or PCP, you begin a long-term relationship with someone who knows your health history, medications, and background.
- A PCP helps you be your healthiest because he or she will:
- See you when you need a doctor. Your PCP is the one you call whenever you have a health concern.
- Help you manage long-term health problems (for instance, diabetes, high blood pressure or depression).
- Refer you to a medical specialist if you need one (like a knee surgeon or a heart doctor).
- Help coordinate your care from other providers and monitor your treatment plans, test results, and medications.
- Encourage and schedule screening tests to detect problems before you even notice them like a mammogram for breast cancer).
- Ensure your vaccines are up to date to prevent illnesses like the flu.
- Provide guidance and resources to help you make better health decisions; for example, to quit smoking, eat more nutritious foods, or manage stress.
Tips on Finding the Right PCP for You
Scheduling an annual wellness visit is a great time to choose a potential PCP.
- Your Health Plan allows you to choose any qualified provider. An in-network Aetna provider may save you money-search for one at aetf.com. Click on Medical Benefits, then Using Preferred Providers Outside of Alaska or All of Alaska, and select the “Aetna Choice POS II (OpenAccess)” network.
- The Wellness & Minor Care Program clinics offer preventive and routine care. You pay $20 per visit; $0 for preventive care and CDL physicals. Get clinic location details on the Fund website at aetf.com. Click Health & Welfare, then Wellness & Minor Care Program.
75% of adults in the U.S. have a primary doctor-but that rate decreases for adults in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. Only 64% in their 30s have selected a primary doctor.
Source: JAMA Internal Medicine
- The Coalition Health Centers (Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Mat-Su Valley) offer preventive and routine care, as well as chronic condition care. You pay $20 per visit; $0 for preventive care and CDL exams. Go to aetf.com to schedule an appointment.
After your first visit, evaluate how it went. Did you feel comfortable? Did the provider listen to you and explain things clearly? If you don’t think it’s a good fit, continue your search until you find the one PCP who’s right for you.