Feeling SAD This Summer?
It Might Be Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
You’ve probably heard about seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, which causes depression for some people during the shorter days of winter. But for others, summertime triggers their depression symptoms. Here are a few reasons why:
- Disrupted schedules. Work, sleep, and eating routines get upended with kids home from school, summer activities, and vacations.
- Body image issues. Feeling self-conscious about wearing a swimsuit, shorts, or tank top, may result in avoiding getting together with friends and family.
- The heat. When it’s too hot to go outside, it’s difficult to stay active.
Summer SAD symptoms may include loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, weight loss, and anxiety. Talking with a professional therapist can help you deal with these issues.
- Teladoc offers virtual visits with mental health providers at no cost to you. Go to teladoc.com, download the Teladoc app, or call 1 (800) TELADOC (835-2362).
- Prefer an in-person visit? Search for a Behavioral Health specialist in the “Aetna Choice POS II (OpenAccess)” network on aetf.com, Find a Provider.
- A medical doctor can also screen you for depression and rule out any physical causes of your symptoms.